Some numbers

Surface area 9.985 M km2
Population 38.2 million
Time difference with France - 6 h

Welcome to Canada ! A country that is 18 times the size of France, with magnificent landscapes and a quality of life envied by its neighbours. The entrepreneurial and pioneering spirit of Canadians is reflected in the country’s economy, which is ranked 10th in the world.

Source : Country profile Business France

Good to know :

Language spoken : English, French
Local currency : Canadian dollar
Capital : Ottawa

The conditions for undertaking a Business France V.I.E in Canada

Do you already meet the International Young Talent Program criteria ?

Then, consult the table here!

- If your situation only meets ☼, you can try your luck for a V.I.E mission in Canada! Your application will be studied 😃

- Does your situation meet at least 1 X? Sorry, Canada cannot accommodate you in V.I.E 😢 Don't be discouraged, continue your research! Other equally exciting destinations are to be discovered!

Doubts about your eligibility ? Contact us.

The conditions for undertaking a Business France V.I.A in Canada

To go to Canada as a V.I.A, you must fulfil the access conditions to the V.I.A.
The administration that is recruiting you is responsible for your residence permit.

The cultural work codes in Canada

One of the major particularities of Canada is its bilingualism, which means that for some provinces their working language is French whereas for others it is English. So if you work in Quebec, remember that the French language is not only favoured but also perceived as a core identity.

If you are a French-speaking person, you may be surprised by the cordial use of French - particularly the spontaneous use of ‘tu’ - and by Quebec's linguistic specificities. So if a Quebecer offers to “Caller” your “cellulaire”, don’t correct him ! It’s up to you to adapt and not the other way around !

Relationships at work are “relaxed”, “friendly”, informal and non-hierarchical, but keep in mind a few rules to avoid offending your colleagues. Always listen to the other person right to the end, without interrupting and looking them in the eye. Be direct and pragmatic in your discussions. And above all, relax - too much reserve and formalism will be perceived by Canadians as cold.

When it comes to work habits, don't be surprised to be invited to a business breakfast as early as 7am or for dinner at 5pm - Canadians often work early. But make sure you are always on time to give your colleagues a good impression.

Source : The Business Guide Business France

Things that may surprise you in Canada

- Space ! And the resulting sense of freedom that you will feel upon arrival. The richness of Canadian nature encourages contemplation but also adventure. And there is no shortage of outdoor activities ! You will soon realise that it is important to take into account these large spaces in even the smallest of your journeys. You quickly lose your bearings in this immensity and the weather is there to call us to order !

- At the local level, it is inspiring to see societal advances, particularly in terms of ecology ! Montreal and other Canadian cities are teeming with initiatives to encourage their inhabitants to adapt their lifestyles - doggy bags, recycling, bulk sales, “thrift shops”, etc. These are all ways of making behaviour more responsible and helping to save the planet. Ecological transition is in the DNA of Canada and its inhabitants !

- Do you know “poutine” ? The essential Canadian dish, ideal for warming up on long winter evenings. It is a combination of crispy French fries, a thick gravy sauce and pieces of cheese. Comfort food par excellence - not good for the diet but so comforting !

- Canada is a land of multiculturalism ! The country was built on several waves of immigration and a cultural mix that is visible on a daily basis. Whether in spoken languages, cuisine, art or the open-mindedness of Canadians, these diverse influences are present at every level.

- You will quickly notice that Canada is a federal country. This federalism can be seen in the relationship that Canadians have with central government, the feeling of changing countries as soon as you travel from one region to another but also in languages and habits. In short, it is one Canada, but several provinces !

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