With the French international volunteer program, 119 countries are open to you. Confused by so much choice? We help you find the destination best-suited to you.
The right match means fulfilling the eligibility criteria and making sure the local culture fits your personality. Need to see what it’s like ? Video testimonials from former Interns may help you decide.
You'll find below the pages available to date. We will add new information so keep a lookout for fresh content !
In the top 5 of V.I.E destinations, Germany is a welcoming and dynamic country. Once you get to know it, you won’t feel like coming back! Why? V.I.E participants are attracted by its job perspectives, the feeling of safety, the kindness of its inhabitants, its green spaces and its alternative urban culture.
You think language is a barrier? Think again! Undertaking a V.I.E assignment in Germany with no knowledge of German is possible!