Some numbers

Surface area 2,800,000 km²
Population 45.8 million
Time difference with France 4h to 5h

The 3rd largest economy of Latin America, Argentina has one of the highest GDPs per inhabitant in the region. A major agricultural player, it has significant energy reserves - oil, gas, lithium - and ranks 10th in the world as anagro-food exporter. The high level of education of its population and its cultural proximity to Europe are, moreover, undeniable assets at the international level.

Source : Business France Country File

Good to know :

Language Spoken : Spanish
Local Currency : Argentina Pesos
Capital : Buenos Aires

The conditions for undertaking a Business France V.I.E in Argentina

You already meet the International Young Talent Program criteria ?

Do you have any doubts about your eligibility ? Feel free to contact us.  

The conditions for undertaking a Business France V.I.A in Argentina

To go to Argentina as a V.I.A, you must fulfil the conditions for accessing the V.I.A.
The administration that is recruiting you is responsible for your residence permit.

Cultural work codes in Argentina

In Argentina, most of the population is of European origin - mainly Spanish and Italian. So, the way of life of Argentinians is quite similar to that of Europeans. Nevertheless, there are a number of specific characteristics.  

Warm, welcoming and friendly, Argentinians attach great importance to contact and being close, in both personal and business relationships. Relationships are relaxed and informal: people are quick to use ‘tu’, call each other by their first names, and are quite tactile. Although Argentinians like debating and know how to be self-critical, avoid tackling taboo subjects such as politics, for example, the Falklands.  

Avoiding direct conflict as much as possible, Argentinians prefer compromise and respect for hierarchy. It can be a little complicated to decipher the real intentions of the person you are speaking with - "yes" does not always mean "yes" and commitments may take time to materialize. That's why patience, perseverance and adaptability will be your greatest qualities.

Things that may surprise you in Argentina

- You will soon realise that the Spanish they speak in Buenos Aires is quite different from the Spanish you studied at school. Whether in terms of vocabulary or conjugation, prepare to be surprised!  Influenced by Italian, the Spanish spoken in Argentina also differs in terms of accent and speed.  

- Argentina is an immense country with stunning landscapes ! The eighth largest country in the world, it offers a variety of climates and landscapes. From rivers to dizzying mountains, via subtropical forests, desert canyons, impressive waterfalls and imposing glaciers, Argentina is undoubtedly one of the most extreme destinations. A road trip is necessary to be able to fully apprehend the magic of the country ! 

- Ah the meat... No risk of running out of it in Argentina ! Few Argentinians can resist the call of the ‘asado’, a succulent beef barbecue. Carnivores will be delighted, but be careful not to make yourself sick! If you are vegetarian, to avoid misunderstandings, bear in mind that the word "carne" in Argentina refers to beef and not to meat in general. You will be able to fall back on "empanadas", small pasties that are filled with meat but also with vegetables or cheese.  

- The inflation may surprise you when you arrive in the country, so don't hesitate to negotiate ! 

- Argentina, the beating heart of Latin American literature, was the birthplace of José Hernández, Julio Cortázar, Adolfo Bioy Casares and the inescapable Jorge Luis Borges. From Gaucho literature to magic realism and poetry, Argentinian writers have distinguished themselves in many literary genres !  

- Tango is impossible to avoid - as songs, orchestral music and dance, tango is an essential part of life in Argentina. Let yourself be tempted by an Argentinean tango class ! 

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