Some numbers

Surface area 92,212 km2
Population 10.3 million
Time difference with France -1 h

Voted the world's best tourist destination in 2017, Portugal is also ranked 13th in the world in so far as concerns the quality of the global infrastructure. Economically, Portugal has been improving since 2017. The services sector accounts for 65% of its GDP and employs nearly 70% of the active population.

Source : Country profile Business France

Good to know :

Language Spoken : Portuguese
Local Currency : Euro
Capital : Lisbon

The conditions for undertaking a Business France V.I.E in Portugal

Do you already meet the criteria of the French International Young Talent Program ?

Doubts about your eligibility ? Do not hesitate to contact us.

The conditions for undertaking a Business France V.I.A in Portugal

To go to Portugal as a V.I.A, you must fulfil the access conditions to the V.I.A.
The administration that is recruiting you is responsible for your residence permit.

The cultural work codes in Portugal

Never speak Spanish to a Portuguese person! Even if they understand this language very well, Portuguese people do not like being likened to Spaniards and will not appreciate it if you make this connection. Also, if you do not speak Portuguese, it is better to use English, which most Portuguese speak very well. Remember that using a few words of greeting in the language of the person you are speaking to will always earn you points.

You still don’t know the other person very well ? First of all, avoid humour. A safe bet ? Be warm and make sincere compliments about Portugal. Once the relationship is established, self-deprecation will help you maintain good relations with the Portuguese. Be careful, if your colleague criticises their country, do not see it as an invitation to do the same. And avoid classic taboo subjects: religion, politics, salaries.

The Holy Grail of interests for the Portuguese ? Football ! So catch up on the latest results from the main teams in the championship, especially Sporting, Benfica and FC Porto. But make sure you know the other person's favourite team before talking about football…

Things that may surprise you in Portugal

- What is behind the Portuguese lifestyle? Its varied and affordable gastronomy, its architecture that combines tradition and modernity, its quality craftsmanship... All these things contribute to the charm of Portugal. Not to mention, the level of gradient of the streets in Lisbon and Porto that will certainly make you fit !

- The Portuguese are very proficient in foreign languages: 72% of the population aged between 18 and 64 speak at least one language in addition to Portuguese. According to the IMD (Institute for Management Development), it is the fifth country in the world in terms of language skills. English, French and Spanish are the most commonly spoken languages. 

- It is impossible to be melancholy in Lisbon! The capital is festooned with colours, from the colourful façades to the streets of Bacalhoeiros, Nova da Trindade and João das Regras painted blue to indicate a pedestrian zone! If blue is not your colour, you can look for the pink street where many residents and tourists meet up to party.

- Portugal is regularly ranked as one of the safest countries in the world. For the second year in a row, the country was ranked third safest in the Global Peace Index (GPI) for 2019, behind Iceland and New Zealand.

- You will appreciate the mild winters! In addition to its 850 km of fabulous beaches, Portugal has 3,000 hours of sunshine a year and a very pleasant climate. But did you know that even in winter, temperatures rarely drop below zero ?

- A must-see surfing spot, Nazaré has been a magnet for thrill-seekers since 2010. A closely guarded secret up until now, the town has now started to welcome large numbers of surfers every year between October and March in search of the biggest wave! The record was beaten by Brazilian Rodrigo Koxa who rode a 24.38 metre wave.

- Coimbra is home to one of the oldest universities in Europe, on a par with the Sorbonne and Oxford. Located halfway between Lisbon and Porto, it has long been the cultural and intellectual centre of Portugal. For lovers of history and culture, Coimbra is well worth a visit !

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