Some numbers

Surface area 357,386 km2
Population 83.2 million
Time difference with France no time difference

Germany is the leading European economic power and the fourth largest in the world with a GDP of €3,436 billion in 2019. Its economy is based on a very complex network of SMEs and ETIs. Germany is the third-largest trading nation, it exports cutting-edge technology in the automotive, machine tools, pharmaceutical and chemical industries. 

Good to know :

Language Spoken : German
Local Currency : Euro
Capital : Berlin

The conditions for undertaking a Business France V.I.E in Germany

Do you already meet the International Internship criteria ?
Then consult the table here !

- If your situation has only , you can try your luck for a V.I.E Assignment in Germany. Your application will be examined.
- If your situation has at least one X, a V.I.E In Germany is not open to you, sorry. But keep looking ! Other destinations have plenty of surprises !

 Doubts about your eligibility ? Feel free to contact us.  

The conditions for undertaking a Business France V.I.A in Germany

To go to Germany as a V.I.A, you must fulfil the access conditions to the V.I.A.
The administration that is recruiting you is responsible for your residence permit. 

Cultural work codes in Germany

In Germany, first impressions are often critical ! Keep in mind that your German colleagues attach great importance to efficiency. So, do not waste their time - forget small talk and flattery ! Always be punctual and direct, prepare your meetings and structure your words. Do not drag things out in your email exchanges or documents, as Germans are highly reactive.

Even if not being a German-speaker is not a barrier to completing an International Internship in Germany, your contacts will always appreciate it if you speak a few words in their language. And who knows, maybe you will like it and start learning German ? There is no better way to learn a language than being in the country !

Don’t be upset if the person you are talking to is particularly direct with you, it is often for the collective good! In Germany, the group always takes precedence over the individual. Moreover, it has a name - the “Wir-Gefühl”.  Your sense of responsibility will probably be the single most valued quality, as it is essential for the smooth functioning of the group.

Nevertheless, you can expect a good work-life balance. You will end your day on time (as required by efficiency) and take few breaks before going back to your family. So, to socialise with your colleagues, suggest a coffee or a beer in the evening rather than a working lunch. 

Source : The Business Guide Business France

Things that may surprise you in Germany

- Germans are very direct in their way of communicating - whether in the private sector or in a professional context, they are very explicit and don’t worry about the sensitivities of their counterparts. This may come as a surprise, but it has the advantage of setting things straight and avoiding misunderstandings. In short, be cash !

- With regard to cash, you will soon realise that cash is generally preferred to bank cards or, worse still, the Germans’ nightmare, cheques. So whether you're a tourist or living in Germany, you're always advised to have some money on you, so you don't get stuck when it comes to paying !

- Follow the rules ! In Germany, you don't joke about law and order. You queue without overtaking and always cross when the light is green, otherwise you'll be stopped or even reported. This sense of responsibility is at the root of life in society and at the heart of German culture.  

- Germans did not wait for the recent growing awareness of ecology before going green! In Germany, there is a genuine green conscience - whether recycling, cycling to work or returning bottles.  Most German cities are also very proud of their lungs and green belts - parks, lakes, forests, rivers and beaches. Their inhabitants respect and maintain these green spaces. And this is probably why it makes living there so good.

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